Monday, 27 March 2017


There is nothing to finish the second term!!
This term we have gathered many exams and it has been difficult to study all of them. I have to improve my marks because I know that with effort and can raise them. I need to participate in class and pay more attention. In this term I learnd a lots of things but I think is difficult the grammar for me and the translation. In the next term I´m going to mejorate in all that I can.


Vandalism: the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people
Pick pocketing :the crime of stealing things out of people's pockets or bags, especially in a crowd
Shop lifting :the illegal act of taking goodsfrom a shop without paying for them
Mugging: an act of attacking someone and stealing their money
Burglary: the crime of illegally entering a building and stealing things
Smuggling: the crime of taking goods or people into or out of a country illegally
Drug Dealing
Murder :the crime of intentionally killing a person
Kidnapping: an occasion when someone is kidnapped
Bank robbery
Bully someone: who hurts or frightens someone who is smaller or less powerful, often forcing them to do something that they do not want to do
Abuser: to use something for the wrong purpose in a way that is harmful or morally wrong
Cheating: to behave in a dishonest way in order to get what you want
Curt: If someone's manner or speech is curt, it is rude as a result of being very quick
Judge :a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides how a person who is guilty of a crime should be punished, or who makes decisions on legal matters

Geography: Primary sector


   Agriculture:                      Livestock:            Forestry:                Fishing:
    Barley                                Grazing              Mahogony                Hake
  Avocado                              Guanacos            Teak                        Whiting
  Custrad apple                        Alpacas             Maple                      Cuttlefish
  Grapevines                          Vicunas              Beech                      Squid
  Ploughts                                  Ox                  Birch                       Mussels
  Broadcast                             Leather               Fir                         Clams
  Harvesters                              Wool                                               Prawn
  Drip irrigation                                                                                 Cod
  Hemp                                                                                            Anchovy
 Linen                                                                                             Turbot
  Yam                                                                                             Sea bream
  Dates                                                                                           Sea bass

Thursday, 16 March 2017


This is a enclosed field, that you can see it has irregular plots separated by walls. It is an extensive agriculture beacause I think that the people use machinery to woork this plots and the farming system is monoculture because the farmers grow in each plots a single crop.